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How do you know where the gas cap is?

How do you know where the gas cap is, without getting off the vehicle? It is very common in Florida that we have two or three cars at home. Although each one is assigned to a member of the family, we usually exchange them depending on the use that we are going to give it that day. We typically use the larger cart for bulky purchases, or for a family outing on the weekends. There are also many other occasions in life when we are forced to use someone else’s car, either for rent or because a friend lends it to us.
When we drive a car that we do not usually take, when we arrive at a gas station, many times we do not remember or we do not know where the fuel tank cap is: to the left or to the right? We could get out of the car and go around it to detect its location. But there is an easier way to find out and we almost always have it in front of our eyes.
Yes, in most cars, on the dashboard, where the speed and mileage indicators are, there is an icon in the shape of a gasoline pump, which lights up to indicate that we are low on fuel.
Well, if you look closely, the icon has an arrow in the shape of a triangle, whose function is to indicate where the car’s tank top is. If the arrow points to the left, the mouth of the fuel tank will be on the left and of course, to put gas the pump must be on your left. You already know, when in doubt, the answer is in front of you. How do you know where the gas cap is, without getting off the vehicle?
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