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Four tips for being more productive while teleworking

Four tips for being more productive while teleworking. It has been a year since the State of Emergency was declared due to the pandemic in Florida. Since then, many of us have not returned to the office, and it seems like we won’t be doing so for a long time. The reasons? Well, we are cheaper when working from home and, why not, more productive.

However, it is not always easy to balance home and work, especially if we have children who are studying remotely. Here are some tips to achieve greater productivity when working from home.

  1. Prepare your work environment: Productivity is linked to the organization and planning of our work. Those people who “manage well in disorder” or those who “know where they have everything in chaos” can’t imagine how productive they would be if they kept their things in order. The first step to increase productivity is to organize your workspace, eliminate papers, and find a large whiteboard or agenda to place important tasks. In short, cleanliness and organization.
  2. Set schedules: The best thing about teleworking is that we save commuting time. The half-hour commute to and from the office steals more than an hour from our daily schedule. But we could lose that time if we don’t establish a good work schedule that aligns with the tasks we need to accomplish. It is crucial to have a start time and an end time. Working from home doesn’t mean work is endless; otherwise, motivation and efficiency will decline.
  3. Use alarms: The internet is both the greatest ally and the worst enemy of teleworking. Everything we need is just a click away on that screen. The reality is that if we don’t limit our search time, we could be browsing endlessly. It’s important to use alarms that keep us aware of the time we spend on certain tasks. “Wow, I’ve been working on this for two hours”; “I need to prepare for the 3:00 PM meeting”; “time to eat”; “end of the workday.”
  4. Stay connected with the company: The goal of teleworking is to fulfill work duties from home. But it’s essential to maintain contact with the company and colleagues from the “office.” Questions, guidelines, and daily tasks can be solved through platforms like Zoom, WhatsApp, or messaging groups. A timely response or a delayed one can mean signing a contract or losing a significant client.

Lastly, in this new reality, we don’t meet with clients or suppliers unless strictly necessary for the type of work we perform, but they still expect us to be available.

If you need commercial insurance for your business, remember that Univista Insurance can provide you with the cheapest insurance on the market without leaving your home. Four tips for being more productive while teleworking.

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